Convent of the Mother of God Quick to Hear
Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia
Richfield Springs, New York

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Welcome and God Bless!


An English-speaking women's convent dedicated to the

Icon of the Mother of God “She Who Is Quick to Hear” 




This convent is under the spiritual direction of Bishop Luke (Murianka) of Syracuse,

Abbot of Holy Trinity Monastery, Jordanville, NY.

Service Schedule


Monday - Friday and Sunday evening

5:00 am Midnight Office   7:00 pm Compline

Daily Akathist:

5:00 pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday




Troparion Tone 4 “Quick to Hear”

Let us make haste to the Theotokos amid our misfortunes,
And fall down now before her holy icon,
Crying out with faith from the depths of our soul,
Hearken quickly to our entreaty, O Virgin,
In that thou art called “She Who Is Quick to Hear”
For thee do we thy servants,
Have as a ready helper in our needs,

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit

Both now and ever and unto ages of ages, Amen

Kontakion Tone 8

Tempest-tossed on the sea of life, we sink beneath the threefold waves
of the passions and temptations,
Wherefore, grant us a helping hand, O Lady, as thy Son did to Peter,
And haste thou to deliver us from misfortunes, that we may cry out to thee:
                                                        Rejoice, O Most Good One, who art Quick to Hear!


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Commemorating your Loved Ones
started 04/11/24


Commemorating your Loved Ones

You may submit your commemoration slips to be read during Midnight office and during Akathist.  They will also be commemorated during Liturgy.
During Midnight office, which is read Monday through Saturday, the Sisters pray for the living and the dead.   On Fridays the sisters read the Akathist for the Reposed and pray for the reposed. On Sundays, the sisters read the Akathist to the Mother of God, Quick to Hear, and pray for the living.
You may submit a slip with 10 names, of either living or reposed to be included in our prayers.  Please indicate if the person was not Orthodox, as the non Orthodox will not be submitted when we have Liturgy, but will be prayed for at all other times.  Please go to the CONTACT button at the top of the page, and send us an email with a list of names to be commemorated.   A donation of $20.00 per month per slip will be appreciated.  

The donation can be made through Tithley or Paypal, or you may mail in your check and request to: 

Convent Quick to Hear

235 Cole Hill Rd

Richfield Springs, NY. 13439

Psalter reading for the Reposed
Psalter Reading for the Reposed

The nuns at the Convent of the Mother of God, Quick to Hear read the psalter daily for the reposed.  If you wish your loved one to be commemorated, please go to the Contact page and send a message with the name(s) of your loved one(s).  Please indicate if non-orthodox.  A donation may be made, $1 per day per name.  May the Lord have mercy!

The donation can be made through Tithley or Paypal, or you may mail in your check and request to: 

Convent Quick to Hear

235 Cole Hill Rd

Richfield Springs, NY. 13439